Friday, January 4, 2013

100 most read R posts in 2012


Top 100 R posts of 2012
R-bloggers’ success is thanks to the content submitted by the over 400 R bloggers who have joined r-bloggers. The R community currently has around 245 active R bloggers (links to the blogs are clearly visible in the right navigation bar on the R-bloggers homepage). In the past year, these bloggers wrote around 3200 posts about R!
Here is a list of the top visited posts on the site in 2012 (you can see the number of page views in parentheses):

  1. Select operations on R data frames (42,742)
  2. Julia, I Love You (22,405)
  3. R at 12,000 Cores (22,584)
  4. An R programmer looks at Julia (17,172)
  5. Adding a legend to a plot (16,413)
  6. Solving easy problems the hard way (13,201)
  7. The Best Statistical Programming Language is …Javascript? (11,047)
  8. Step up your R capabilities with new tools for increased productivity (9,758)
  9. How I cracked Troyis (the online flash game) (9,527)
  10. Setting graph margins in R using the par() function and lots of cow milk (9,549)
  11. Creating surface plots (8,705)
  12. Running R on an iPhone/iPad with RStudio (8,903)
  13. Drawing heatmaps in R (8,719)
  14. A big list of the things R can do (8,152)
  15. Two sample Student’s t-test #1 (8,112)
  16. Paired Student’s t-test (7,950)
  17. Installing R packages (7,999)
  18. Multiple Y-axis in a R plot (7,486)
  19. R Tutorial Series: Labeling Data Points on a Plot (7,375)
  20. Color Palettes in R (6,656)
  21. Plot maps like a boss (6,898)
  22. Model Validation: Interpreting Residual Plots (6,763)
  23. find | xargs … Like a Boss (7,001)
  24. Getting Started with Sweave: R, LaTeX, Eclipse, StatET, & TeXlipse (6,775)
  25. R Tutorial Series: R Beginner’s Guide and R Bloggers Updates (6,703)
  26. The R apply function – a tutorial with examples (6,764)
  27. Delete rows from R data frame (6,243)
  28. Polynomial regression techniques (6,396)
  29. Why R is Hard to Learn (6,281)
  30. Basic Introduction to ggplot2 (6,107)
  31. Trading using Garch Volatility Forecast (5,886)
  32. Will 2015 be the Beginning of the End for SAS and SPSS? (5,924)
  33. Fun with the googleVis Package for R (5,495)
  34. Creating beautiful maps with R (5,576)
  35. Tutorial: Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in R (4,907)
  36. Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney rank sum test (or test U) (5,574)
  37. Introducing Shiny: Easy web applications in R (5,501)
  38. R is the easiest language to speak badly (5,583)
  39. R 2.15.0 is released (5,486)
  40. Basics on Markov Chain (for parents) (5,395)
  41. Pivot tables in R (5,320)
  42. Displaying data using level plots (4,942)
  43. R Tutorial Series: Basic Polynomial Regression (5,165)
  44. Merging Multiple Data Files into One Data Frame (5,083)
  45. Quick Introduction to ggplot2 (5,060)
  46. Summarising data using box and whisker plots (4,953)
  47. Make R speak SQL with sqldf (4,745)
  48. MySQL and R (4,595)
  49. ggheat : a ggplot2 style heatmap function (4,578)
  50. Aggregate Function in R: Making your life easier, one mean at a time (4,756)
  51. The role of Statistics in the Higgs Boson discovery (4,560)
  52. Plotting Time Series data using ggplot2 (4,543)
  53. The Kalman Filter For Financial Time Series (4,367)
  54. R 101: The Subset Function (4,626)
  55. Create your own Beamer template (4,569)
  56. Mining Facebook Data: Most “Liked” Status and Friendship Network (4,493)
  57. The Many Uses of Q-Q Plots (4,376)
  58. Social Network Analysis with R (4,307)
  59. 20 free R tutorials (and one reference card) (4,227)
  60. To attach() or not attach(): that is the question (4,439)
  61. add your blog! | R-bloggers (3,941)
  62. Learn R and Python, and Have Fun Doing It (4,205)
  63. Creating a Presentation with LaTeX Beamer – Using Overlays (4,319)
  64. Summarising data using dot plots (4,078)
  65. Google summer of code 2012 – and R – a call for students (4,180)
  66. nice ggplot intro tutorial. Just run the commands, about 6 pages… (3,902)
  67. Tracking Hurricane Sandy with Open Data and R (4,108)
  68. Time Series Analysis and Mining with R (3,874)
  69. Linear mixed models in R (3,846)
  70. A graphical overview of your MySQL database (3,919)
  71. Updating R but keeping your installed packages (3,317)
  72. Data.table rocks! Data manipulation the fast way in R (3,691)
  73. Generating graphs of retweets and @-messages on Twitter using R and Gephi (3,623)
  74. Amateur Mapmaking: Getting Started With Shapefiles (3,656)
  75. Datasets to Practice Your Data Mining (3,782)
  76. How to customize ggplot2 graphics (3,720)
  77. Interactive HTML presentation with R, googleVis, knitr, pandoc and slidy (3,599)
  78. The undiscovered country – a tutorial on plotting maps in R (3,560)
  79. polar histogram: pretty and useful (3,487)
  80. Classification Trees (3,545)
  81. Text Mining to Word Cloud App with R (3,388)
  82. Top 20 R posts of 2011 (and some R-bloggers statistics) (3,606)
  83. Combining ggplot Images (3,492)
  84. Integrating PHP and R (3,420)
  85. Tutorials for Learning Visualization in R (3,509)
  86. RStudio in the cloud, for dummies (3,402)
  87. London Olympics 100m men’s sprint results (3,460)
  88. Online resources for handling big data and parallel computing in R (3,383)
  89. The Higgs boson: 5-sigma and the concept of p-values (3,339)
  90. Interactive reports in R with knitr and RStudio (3,296)
  91. Maps with R (I) (3,283)
  92. ggplot2 Time Series Heatmaps (3,262)
  93. Simple Text Mining with R (3,174)
  94. Contingency Tables – Fisher’s Exact Test (3,250)
  95. An example of ROC curves plotting with ROCR (3,202)
  96. Great Maps with ggplot2 (3,155)
  97. Style your R charts like the Economist, Tableau … or XKCD (3,218)
  98. Simple Linear Regression (3,212)
  99. A practical introduction to garch modeling (3,158)
  100. Adding lines or points to an existing barplot (3,057)

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